Kiadi's Character Collection - Psydroflare's Art
Kiadi's Character Collection Kiadi's Character Collection

Various pics of Psydroflare's Fan Character, Strider Brass.

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Vegeta Bonanza

Thumbnail Picture Description
Brass Posing Brass posing with his Bo Staff.
Brass w/Staff Brass standing.
Vegeta and Brass Brass and his brother, Vegeta, as Striders.
Brass Unmasked Brass without a shirt. ^^
Face view of Brass This looks more like the evil Brass from Possession, but I guess it could just be an evil looking version of him.
Brass Firing Brass firing a downward ki blast. ^^
Brass and Rhuby Brass and Rhuby from Possession.
Baby Trunks Chibi-Chibi Trunks. ^^
Brass w/Cypher Pencil Sketch of Brass with his Cypher Weapon
Brass w/Cypher 2 Color Sketch of Brass and his Cypher
Brass and Gohan Kinda speaks for itself, really. ^^
Vegeta Sinister looking Vegeta!
Chun-li and Captain Commando Um....Yea! ^^
Bulma in a Towel A Citrusy Picture of Bulma
Chibi Trunks Facial Profile of the Child Trunks.
Facial View of Brass A nice close up of Brass Strider.
Vegeta w/arms crossed Vegeta with the typical smirk and typical arms-crossed pose.

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