Kiadi's Character Collection - Kiadi's Non-Fan Art
Kiadi's Character Collection Kiadi's Character Collection

This isn't really Fan Art, these are just pictures of various characters I've drawn that either myself or my friends created. You can see in these how much Anime has influenzed my style. ^_^

Thumbnail Picture Character Creator Description
Adira Yan Kiadi A mage I created for a roleplaying game that later flopped. -_- She looks kinda cool though.
Akiyuki James Yes, he looks like Goku, but he's not. This is Akiyuki; a duel class samurai priest. James told me to make him look like Goku so....
Asuka-san Kiadi Same character as below, but a little more mature.
Asuka Kiadi Just a cute little character I created while I drew.
Baby Dragon 1 Kiadi A baby Emerald Dragon I'm playing in a Council of Wyrms Campain.
Baby Dragon 2 Brian After seeing Em, Brian asked me to color a second one like his Silver Dragon.
Emeralda Kiadi An Emerald Dragon, both her Dragon and Human form are displayed here. Created on IRC as a FFRP (Free Form Role Playing) Character.
Fanni Kiadi A character I created for an anime roleplaying game. By the way, that's a teddy-bear tatoo on her backside, not a petunia. ^_^
Fire Serpant Kiadi Don't ask me where this one came from, I just drew her. ^^
Ghari Eric A half-orc gladiator with a face only a mother could...well, you know. Commonly used as Eric's name sake.
Kin-En Kiadi A playful Rmow (huminoid cat) designed after my own cat of the same name. =^.^=
Kin-En Again Kiadi A playful Rmow in a different pose (a pose that is a pain in the !@#$% to draw.) =^.^=
Lilac Kiadi A Tskrang Swordmaster created for an "Earth Dawn" campaign
Maunvieb the Monk Kiadi Half-Orc Character I created. She became a monk of Mad Monkey Martial Arts (From Mad Monkey vs. The Dragon Claw© by Jeff Grubb)
Naltia Kiadi A Paladin I created for a friend's AD&D campaign.
Seleri Kiadi A little Saiyajin I created for a Roleplaying game. Deceased. :`(
Tamiel Brian A powerful and sexy magic-using Warrior. I've never drawn anyone in this pose before, and I had no references. Not bad eh? ^_^

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