Kiadi's Character Collection - Kiadi's Fan Fiction Art
Kiadi's Character Collection Kiadi's Character Collection

Free Form pictures from various Fan Fictions around the Net.

Thumbnail Picture Fan Fiction Series Description
Aho and Baka Mirai no Dragon Ball Z by Kiadi Dragon Ball Z Babi-di disgustingly cute side-kicks.
Akiko Dragon Ball A.D. - Alternate Dimension by Aoi-Kami Sarah Dragon Ball Z Akiko, daughter of Atsuko and Gohan. The main character in DBAD.
Blade Demon Slayers by Nicole Spencer Original The "father figure" in Demon Slayers, has the ability to control fire.
Dawn Demon Slayers by Nicole Spencer Original The main character in Demon Slayers, has the ability to control plants.
Din Not Yet Available The Legend of Zelda The first of the three goddesses of Zelda. Careless and brash.
Forore Not Yet Available The Legend of Zelda The second of the three goddesses of Zelda. Mischievous and troublesome.
Hope Feline Revenge by Nikki Dragon Ball Z A half cat, half human experiment created by Dr. Gero.
Kamo Mirai no Dragon Ball Z by Kiadi Dragon Ball Z Kamo posing for the girls. ^_^
Karma Karma by Kiadi
Not Yet Available
Dragon Ball Z Letuss and Shelby Behoff.
Kuuchi Mirai no Dragon Ball Z by Kiadi Dragon Ball Z A fish-like alien and collector of rare species.
Mercurius and Redon Mirai no Dragon Ball Z by Kiadi Dragon Ball Z Two Setsunites who help the new DragonBall Warriors in their quest to stop Babi-di.
Mercurius the Beast Mirai no Dragon Ball Z by Kiadi Dragon Ball Z Mercurius standing next to her transformed state.
Mirai Group Pic Mirai no Dragon Ball Z by Kiadi Dragon Ball Z A group picture of all the characters from Mirai No Dragon Ball Z, including Trunks!
Nita The Nita Series Nikki Dragon Ball Z The Captain of the Saiyajin Ultra Elite Force, looking sexy in her uniform.
Tasukete Mirai no Dragon Ball Z by Kiadi Dragon Ball Z Tasukete posing in the wind.
Niwatori Again Mirai no Dragon Ball Z by Kiadi Dragon Ball Z Niwatori at age 16.
Trunks and Jupiter Boy Meets Girls by Julian Soullard Dragon Ball Z/Sailor Moon Crossover Trunks and Jupiter posing. Inspired by Julian's Fanfiction, "Boy Meets Girls."
Nayru Not Yet Available The Legend of Zelda The third of the three goddesses of Zelda. Ditzy, caring, and clueless.
Sharry Demon Slayers by Nicole Spencer Original The "motherly figure" in Demon Slayers, has the ability to control the weather.
Shoki (Casual) The Shoki Saga by Big Bore Ranma 1/2 Shoki waving high to the camera.
Shoki (in Japanese gi) The Shoki Saga by Big Bore Ranma 1/2 Shoki ready for combat.
Panty "Dragon Ball Wars" by Ali Tavakoly Dragon Ball/Star Wars Crossover A Jedi Knight from an alternate Dragon Ball world.
Three Orphaned Fighters Mirai no Dragon Ball Z by Kiadi Dragon Ball Z My first picture of my Fan Fiction characters. From left to right: Kamo, Tasukete, Ahiru.
Verdura "From Green to Red" by Kiadi Dragon Ball Z I drew this picture at the same time that I wrote the story, so it's a rather dark picture like the story.
Mirai X-mas Mirai no Dragon Ball Z by Kiadi Dragon Ball Z Little something for the Christmas season. You know only Tori-chan could get Tas into an elf suit. ^^

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