Kiadi's Character Collection - Alaer's Art
Kiadi's Character Collection Kiadi's Character Collection

Because there were so many pictures, I'm only displaying the top 50 that I liked in no particular order. For more of Alaer's Pictures, visit Alaer's Art Sight.

All comments next to the links are by Alaer.

Alaer's Artsight

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Thumbnail Picture Description
Babec Baby Clawz looking kawaii.
Chibiusa Pwetty Chibi Usa.
Marenm The evil maren soul part of Al looks like this....
Al13 A good piccy of Al looking handsome and serious.:)
Evilbabe Baby Reala wearing evil PJs....}:)
Al14 Alaer wearing his crown.
Refireu Reala shooting some fire power at ya.
Rainyall Alaer and Larenae hugging in the rain. Very lovingly too.:)
Chibidre A very good piccy of ChibiUsa, Diana, and Reala.
Mrskino Larenae in a dressy fashion.
Chibimn ChibiUsa looking angry.:P
Don2 Donny doing magic and you can actually get to see his shoes! Hehehe!
Sctboys Nicky is a sailor scout now. And so is Reala!>:)
Stonepeg A scene from SM Super S episodes where Pegasus was almost captured.:P
Kk2 A piccy of a lot of views of Alaer.:)
Babidz A piccy of Baby Piccolo, Baby Raditz, Baby Goku, and grown-up Gohan!
Piclonik Nicky meets Piccolo for the first time....
Bro-den Dende and his little brother.:)
V-2 Vegeta looks a lot more different in GT than he does in Z.:P
V-bitter Goku showing Vegeta the fusion dance.
Vegita2 Two forms of Vegita, regular and ape form.


Thumbnail Picture Description
Mercury A good piccy of Sailor Mercury, I did for Zoicite.:)
Vfamily Chibi Vegita and Bulma with their chibi children Trunks and Bra.
Zarbon Kawaii Zardon looking umm cute.:P
Trolhair Nicky thinks Vegita looks like his Troll doll cuz of his hair and height.
Trunks1 A super coolies pic of future Trunks
Chi-han A piccy of Gohan and ChibiUsa.
Dbz-drag A cool pic of the DBZ Eternal Dragon with Goku in the BG.
Gg-picvt A coolies pic of Goku, Gohan, Vegita, Trunks, and Piccolo all shaded in only by ink.:P
Eat~wsop A pic of the baby Saiyans, Vegita, Nappa, Goku (who's eating soap), Raditz, and Turles, at a pool.
Go~vsv Young Goku and Vegita fighting.
Ballonv Prince Vegita running amok in temple clothes holding a balloon.
Gohanpow Gohan blasting some serious energy.:)
Gokuu Goku looking stupid.:P
Princev2 P.V showing off his powers.:P
Songoku2 Goku drawn my style and then DBZ style.:P
Fight5 Reala in another fighting mode blowing off some energy.
Veg_rea General Reala merged with Prince Vegeta.....bad combo.:P
Weddv A piccy of Piccolo in a tux, Nicky behind him waving, Goten sticking his tongue out, and happy Vegeta looking smug.
Everyone A piccy of Sonic, Nights, Usagi, Chibiusa, Goku, Piccolo, Umi, and Hikaru! Whew!:)
Walllies A lying wall displaying a moment of Raditz being nice to Son Goku...
Radnik Nicky meets Raditz and his tail for the first time!


Thumbnail Picture Description
Mnyshots Alaer being handsome in manga style coloring.
Mulan2 A piccy of Disney's Mulan.
Aorah A piccy of Aorah the Echidna I did for Aorah.:P
Babyreal2 A piccy of Baby Reala looking sad.*^^*
Acidlove Acid Love is a beautiful piccy of Jackle looking at a Love Card, which I drew listening to 'The Mantle: Acid acid love Remix' from the Japanese NiGHTS Remix CD. I really liked this piccy.:)
Al_n_ice Al looking over his shoulder at ya with an incredible BG.
Flystar Star Hedgie in NiGHTS mode flying!
Bab-trunks A kawaii piccy of Trunks!

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